At Talbots, we appreciate that home is where the heart is; it’s your sanctuary and family space. However, disputes with your neighbour can have a negative impact on your home life. That’s where our neighbour disputes team can help.
We have dealt with a wide variety of neighbour disputes, from repairs responsibilities to noise complaints. We’re here to ensure that your situation is dealt with efficiently so both parties can return to their peaceful home lives as soon as possible.
Neighbour disputes vary quite dramatically, but we’ve had experience dealing with them all. It could be that you share a drive and need to decide who is responsible for the general upkeep and repairs, or you may need to decide boundaries when erecting fences or walls. On the other hand, it may be an issue with noise, damage caused by children or overgrown trees and hedges.
Whatever the issue, our neighbour dispute solicitors are there to listen and offer clear, honest advice as to what steps you need to take next.
May Bank Holidays
All our offices will be closed on Monday 6th May and on Monday 27th May to celebrate the Bank Holidays. We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause to our clients.
Why choose Talbots’ neighbour dispute solicitors?
At Talbots Law we believe you deserve to feel comfortable in your own home and live amicably with your neighbour. We will listen to your specific case and find a specialist, tailored solution to ensure a swift and stress-free legal process. We will work tirelessly every day to reach some sort of resolution between the two parties without court interference, minimising conflict so you can get on with your lives in peace. We will ensure that your rights are at the forefront and are protected at all times. We are strong believers in speaking in plain English; it’s important to us that you feel comfortable in the knowledge that you know exactly what’s going on at each stage of the process. We always aim to deal with disputes in an efficient and stress-free way so you can carry on with your day-to-day life as soon as possible.
What should I do when I’ve fallen out with my neighbour?
The key is to try and stay calm and rational. Aim to rectify the situation without giving up the rights of your property deeds. However, if a decision still hasn’t been made, then it may be time to call our neighbour disputes team who offer a mediation service and will outline your legal rights. Our goal is to get to the crux of the issue and resolve it as quickly as possible so you don’t have to go through the heartache of court hearings.
Remember to keep a log of what happens between yourself and your neighbour as it may be a useful source later on. If your case does end up in court, our team will use diary entries as part of the evidence to help win your case.
How do I find out the boundary between my property and my neighbours?
This information should be in your Title Deeds, however, not all deeds specifically show the exact location of where the boundary lies, which is where problems can arise between neighbours. Nevertheless, Talbots neighbour disputes solicitors will be at hand to gather the required evidence for your case such as:
- Previous owner’s information
- Your neighbour’s information
- Old conveyances
- Previous planning applications
- Photographic evidence
- Evidence showing the amount of time certain fences or hedges have been around for.
How do I get access to my deeds?
It’s very important that you have a copy of your deeds when entering into any dispute. It is likely that your lender has a copy, so they will be your first point of call. However, lenders have begun to list a lot of information electronically, so they may send deeds back to borrowers or solicitors.
What should I do if my neighbour’s work is causing damage?
Depending on the situation, you may need to call the police, as they will be able to stop any work that causes danger to the local community. We believe that it’s always a good idea to get some legal advice in these situations. Our neighbour disputes team are always there to listen and offer straightforward and jargon free advice whenever you need it.
Issues with your neighbour can be resolved quickly and efficiently if you seek the right legal advice. Speak to the specialist solicitors at Talbots Law for advice today on 0800 118 1500.
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