What is Planning Together for Children?

This is a programme launched by CAFCASS to replace the Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP).

What does it do?

It is a programme to assist separated parents following a relationship breakdown to support them in reducing risk to a child’s health and welfare.  Conflict between parents can be picked up by children and the course assists parents in being able to work together and to agree upon arrangements for their child/children.   The focus is to help parents manage disputes and to ensure their child/children are not exposed to adult issues when deciding upon the long term arrangements for a child/children.

What does it involve?

There are three stages to Planning Together for Children:-

  1. An online course.
  2. Group workshop once the online course has been completed
  3. An interactive online parenting plan for parents to work together to reach an agreement for their child/children.

Who refers parents to the programme?

A referral is made to the service by Court or through a CAFCASS officer involved in the case.   Once received parties are contacted by email.

What does it cost?

There is no cost associated with this.